29/05/2022 - 04/06/2022 in
The Petko R. Slaveykov School was chosen as the host for
this LTT due to the wind turbines in its immediate vicinity.
Methods of brainstorming, presentation, workshops,
project-based learning, site visits, material development and small group work
in LTT activities
Our students' problem solving, critical thinking,
cooperation and creativity skills
Activities during the LTT:
- Presentation and acquaintance of the participants
introducing their schools, countries and cultures,
- Presentation and question-answer activity of the host
school about the wind energy potential and usage areas,
- The presentation of each participating school about the
wind energy potential and usage areas of their own country,
- City tour,
- Providing training on innovative educational
technologies by the host school's computer teacher as a mentor to other
- Brainstorming about wind energy with mixed groups of
- The drawing of a wind energy themed mural with the
mentorship of the art teacher of the host school,
- Seminar of an academician from Varna University on wind
energy and its usage areas,
- Training visit to Maritsa İstog Wind Energy production
facility in Cavarna Region,
- An event promoting Bulgaria's food culture, folk dances
and local songs with the participation of parents.
- Students realize their own wind turbine designs with
STEM approach and share this work with e-Twinning project partners,
- Observation trip
to Central Balkan National Park, where the effects of acid rains are observed,
- Educational visit to the Borisova National Science
- Teachers' development of course materials suitable for
the subject of the project,
- Preparation of a digital board with the theme of
"The Power of the Wind" and a product exhibition by the students,
- Collection of the students' incomplete learning during
the activity by the host teachers,
- Writing evaluation meetings and progress reports.
Benefits of the participants:
- Discover the usage areas and potential of wind energy
with concrete examples,
- Develop key skills by designing and implementing their
own wind turbines using the STEM method,
- Teamwork and language skills of students interacting
with different learning groups will develop,
- Will adopt multiculturalism and gain self-confidence.
-Developed teaching materials and presentations will be
added to the lesson plans and used by the teachers of the partner schools in
the lessons will ensure continuity.
- our students were encouraged to participate in future
- students were provided to see the relationship between
engineering and STEM applications and the curriculum.
- increased the students’ interest on school’s activities